
Multipurpose room written inshort hand
Multipurpose room written inshort hand

And displaying damaged parts of your base (or connected vehicles) on the holographic table. It could reduce light to red (similar to Cyclops "silent running) or turning light completely off. Maybe you are asking, what would a function of this module be? Well, aside from a badass resting place when you wanna feel like a base commander, I imagine it could include radio (so we don't have to build one on the wall for the rare messages we receive). I thought Ill share my concept for the "Command module" that was suggested not only on this forum, but on reddit as well. Also, necro, but hey, maybe this needed a necro. It's up to you, as the player, to explore Their vision of this incredible alien world. It's all up to Their vision of what Subnautica is and should be. Whatever they want in and whatever they don't want in.

#Multipurpose room written inshort hand mod#

Kinda a pain, but easier than full self-implementation of the requested content, and they could do contests, where someone's mod could get sponsorship or added or put on a UWE list of fave mods. Easy mod access through workshop is the answer to all those wants. As well as multiplayer and many of the other features. The larger rooms would be easily implemented by a wonderful neckbeard that knows a few things about coding. The game would need random gen and a greater mission and much larger map and goal system. But multiplayer without a Larger Scope to the game would ruin it, by it, I mean the feel of it. Mostly, if they spent a few months, after release making Subnautica Steam workshop accessible, within 6 months we'd have anything you could want. Have your own cozy cave, twisty bridges or lava pool. The dome floor could be terraformed (and only there) to match a biome.The dome could be designed with simple effort and style.The dome could have air inside like a surface greenhouse or be flooded to be a giant aquarium.

multipurpose room written inshort hand

No need for mini versions or things that don't fit. It would be big enough for coral trees and creatures would have enough space.

multipurpose room written inshort hand

So why not make a special aquarium solution that really works: The geodesic aquadome And all the 4xMP is good for is allowing a bigger aquarium or holding 4 central structures.

multipurpose room written inshort hand

It would allow normal sized predators and creepvines inside, but still a tight space for medium creatures. I never understood why the devs squeezed these inside the MP rooms, when it's still too small for creepvines or medium creatures anyway (not even talking about squeezing big fish inside tiny aquaria - shame of the century if it was real).īut really, even the 4x sized MP room is a bit small. Additionally, this diagonal construction would allow for one to build around and preserve Iconic and beautiful natural undersea fauna and terrain, and would be very alien-eco-friendly. Angle construction would allow for a huge variety in large and small sea-base designs. Building at a 45° or diagonal would vastly increase the variety of building options, design elements and esthetics of ones undersea base. The ability to build at 45° angles off the multipurpose rooms (not just the current 90°) along with an added 45° corridor would be fantastic. The idea is pretty self explanatory and is pictured here: These would be stack-able just like the existing Multipurpose Room.

multipurpose room written inshort hand

It would be great to see a very large Multipurpose Room (I call it an XXL Multipurpose Room as seen below), along with a Huge Aquarium. I posted these in a general discussion post, then realized this is probably the better place.

Multipurpose room written inshort hand